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[4] Haiying Yang, Zhifang Zhao*, Haifeng Fan, Min Zeng, Jiafei Xiao, Xiqiang Liu, Shengwei Wu, Jiangqin Chao, Yong Xia. 2023. Fe-(oxyhydr)oxide participation in REE enrichment in early Cambrian phosphorites from South China: evidence from in-situ geochemical analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105910

[5] Mingchun Wen, Mengshi Yang, Xin Zhao, Zhifang Zhao. 2023. Post-construction deformation characteristics of high-fill foundations of Kunming Changshui International Airport using time-series InSAR technology, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3328321 DOI 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3328321

[6] Jianyu Liu, Jiangqin Chao, Zhifang Zhao *, Fei Zhao, Shiguang Xu, Zhibin Lai, Haiying Yang, Qi Chen, Youle Tu. 2023. Identification of geothermal potential based on land surface temperature derived from remotely sensed data. Environmental Science and Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-29678-0

[7] Xinle Zhang, Zhifang Zhao*, Qi Chen*, Wang Chai, Ziyang Li, Geng Zhang, Haiying Yang, Lei Niu. 2023. Mapping hydrothermal alteration of the Pulang porphyry copper deposit, SW China, using ASTER and ZY1-02D satellite data. Ore Geology Reviews, 10, 1016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105605

[8] Geng Zhang, Qi Chen, Zhifang Zhao *, Xinle Zhang, Jiangqin Chao, Dingyi Zhou, Wang Chai, Haiying Yang, Zhibin Lai, Yangyidan He. 2023. Nickel Grade Inversion of Lateritic Nickel Ore Using WorldView-3 Data Incorporating Geospatial Location Information: A Case Study of North Konawe, Indonesia. Remote Sensing, 15, 3660. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/rs15143660

[9] Fei Zhao, Zhiyan Peng, Jiangkang Qian, Chen Chu, Zhifang Zhao, Jiangqin Chao, Shiguang Xu. 2023. Detection of geothermal potential based on land surface temperature derived from remotely sensed and in-situ data. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 15, 1271. https://doi.org/10.1080/10095020.2023.2178335

[10] Zhibin Lai, Jiangqin Chao, Zhifang Zhao*, Mingchun Wen, Haiying Yang, Wang Chai, Yuan Yao, Xin Zhao, Qi Chen, Jianyu Liu. 2023. Relationship between Crustal Deformation and Thermal Anomalies in the 2022 NinglangMs 5.5 Earthquake in China: Clues from InSAR and RST. Remote Sensing, 15, 1271. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051271

[11] Xin Zhao, Zhifang Zhao*, Faming Huang, Jiangcheng Huang, Zhiquan Yang, Qi Chen, Dingyi Zhou, Liuyang Fang, Xian Ye, Jiangqin Chao. 2023. Application of environmental variables in statistically-based landslide susceptibility mapping: A review. Front. Earth Sci. 11, 1147427. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1147427

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[27] Jiangqin Chao, Zhifang Zhao*, Zhibin Lai, Shiguang Xu, Jianyu Liu, Ziyang Li, Xinle Zhang, Qi Chen, Haiying Yang, Xin Zhao. 2022. Detecting geothermal anomalies using Landsat 8 thermal infrared remote sensing data in the Ruili Basin, Southwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24417-3

[28] Haiying Yang, Zhifang Zhao*, Xiaomin Cao*, Haifeng Fan, Jiafei Xiao, Yong Xia, Min Zeng. 2022. Geochemistry of apatite individuals in zhijin phosphorites, South China: Insight into the REY sources and diagenetic enrichment. Ore Geology Reviews, 105169: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105169.

[29] Qi Chen; Jisheng Xia; Zhifang Zhao*; Jiaxi Zhou*; Ruifeng Zhu; Ruisi Zhang; Xin Zhao; Jiangqin Chao; Xinle Zhang; Gen Zhang. 2022. Interpretation of hydrothermal alteration and structural framework of the Huize Pb–Zn deposit, SW China, using Sentinel-2, ASTER, and Gaofen-5 satellite data: implications for Pb–Zn exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 150,105154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105154.

[30] Xin Zhao, Guo Li, Zhifang Zhao*, Chunxiao Li, Qi Chen, Xian Ye. 2022. Identifying the spatiotemporal characteristics of individual red bed landslides: a case study in Western Yunnan, China, Journal of Mountain science, 19(6): 1748-1766.

[31] Qi Chen, Zhi-Fang Zhao*, Ji-Sheng Xia*, Xin Zhao, Hai-Ying Yang, Xin-Le Zhang. 2022. Improving the accuracy of hydrothermal alteration mapping based on image fusion of ASTER and Sentinel-2A data: a case study of Pulang Cu deposit, Southwest China, Geocarto International, https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2086625.

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[34] 赵志芳,张新乐,陈琪,张瑞丝,李文昌,曹晓民. 2022. 普朗斑岩型铜矿区矿化蚀变特征矿物填图及找矿潜力分析:来自资源一号02D遥感卫星的证据[J],沉积与特提斯地质,42(1):17-29.

[35] Dingyi Zhou, Xiaoqing Zuo, Zhifang Zhao*. 2022. Constructing a Large-Scale Urban Land Subsidence Prediction Method Based on Neural Network Algorithm from the Perspective of Multiple Factors. Remote Sensing, 14, 1803, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14081803.

[36] Qi Chen, Zhifang Zhao*, Jiaxi Zhou, Ruifeng Zhu, Jisheng Xia, Tao Sun, Xin Zhao, Jiangqin Chao. 2022. ASTER and GF-5 Satellite Data for Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals in the Longtoushan Pb-Zn Deposit, SW China. Remote Sensing, 14: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14051253.

[37] Haiying Yang, Jiafei Xiao*, Yong Xia, Zhifang Zhao*, Zhuojun Xie, Shan He, Shengwei Wu. 2022. Diagenesis of Ediacaran−early Cambrian phosphorite: comparisons with recent phosphate sediments based on LA-ICP-MS and EMPA. Ore Geology Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.104813.

[38] Yuehan Qin, Xinle Zhang, Zhifang Zhao*, Ziyang Li, Changbi Yang, Qunying Huang. 2022. Coupling Relationship Analysis of Gold Content Using Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Satellite Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data: A Potential Method in Chahuazhai Gold Mining Area, Qiubei County, SW China. Remote Sensing, 14(1):109, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010109.

[39] Guotao Sun, Jiaxi Zhou*. 2022. Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Classification of Pb–Zn Deposit Types Using LA–ICP–MS Data of Sphalerite. Minerals, 12, 12101293.

[40] Jiaxi Zhou*, Zhimou Yang, Yunlin An, Kai Luo, Chunxue Liu, Yiwen Ju. 2022. An evolving MVT hydrothermal system: Insights from the Niujiaotang Cd-Zn ore field, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105357.

[41] Yahui Zhang, Jiaxi Zhou*, Shucheng Tan, Shitao Zhang, Yongguo Jiang, Zheng Liu, Tao Wu. 2022. New insights into the petrogenesis of the Bozhushan W-Sn mineralization-associated granites, Yunnan province, SW China: Evidence of microgranitoid enclaves. Ore Geology Reviews, 104906.

[42] Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Yiwen Ju. 2022. A shift from BSR to TSR caused the formation of the Chipu Pb-Zn deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 144, 104845.

[43] Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Guotao Sun, Ai Nguyen, Zhongxiang Qin. 2022. The metallogeny of the Devonian sediment-hosted sulfide deposits, South China: A case study of the Huodehong deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 143, 104747.

[44] Yunlin An, Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Ai Nguyen, Maoda Lu, Qingtian Meng, Qi An. 2022. Origin of the Devonian carbonate-hosted Banbianjie Ge-Zn deposit, Guizhou Province, South China: Geological, mineralogical and geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104696.

[45] Kai Luo, Alexandre Cugerone, Meifu Zhou, Jiaxi Zhou, Guotao Sun, Jing Xu, Kangjian He, Maoda Lu. 2022. Germanium enrichment in sphalerite with acicular and euhedral textures: an example from the Zhulingou carbonate-hosted Zn(-Ge) deposit, South China. Mineral Deposita, 57(8): 1343-1365.

[46] Chenwei Li, Zhijun Li, Min Zeng, Robert J. Stern. 2022. Early Eocene A-type (ferroan) rhyolites in southwestern Tibet: A far-field tectonic effect of the India–Eurasia collision. International Geology Reviews, 2117740.

[47] Qi Miaomiao, Liu Shiyin*, Wu Kunpeng, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Jin Huian, Gao Yongpeng, Yao Xiaojun. 2022. Improving the accuracy of glacial lake volume estimation: A case study in the Poiqu basin, central Himalayas. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127973.

[48] Gao Yongpeng, Liu Shiyin*, Qi Miaomiao, Yao Xiaojun, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Wu Kunpeng, Saifullah Muhammad. 2022. The Evolution of the Glacier Surges in the Tuanjie Peak, the Qilian Mountains. Remote Sensing, 14 (4), 140408852.

[49] Xu Tong, Xie Zhiqiang*, Zhao Fei, Yimin Li, Shouquan Yang, Yangbin Zhang, Siqiao Yin, Shi Chen, Xuan Li, Sidong Zhao, Zhiqun Hou. 2022. Permeability control and flood risk assessment of urban underlying surface: a case study of Runcheng south area, Kunming. Natural Hazards, 2021, 11069-021-05072-2.

[50] Fei Zhao, Chen Chu, Rui Liu, Zhiyan Peng, Qingyun Du, Zhengbao Sun, Zhiqiang Xie, Hongyun Zeng, Jisheng Xia. 2022. Assessing Light Pollution using POI and Luojia1-01 Nighttime Imagery from a Quantitative Perspective at City Scale. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Potential Method in Chahuazhai Gold Mining Area, Qiubei County, SW China. Remote Sensing, 14(1):109, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010109.1-20

[39] Guotao Sun, Jiaxi Zhou*. 2022. Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Classification of Pb–Zn Deposit Types Using LA–ICP–MS Data of Sphalerite. Minerals, 12, 12101293.

[40] Jiaxi Zhou*, Zhimou Yang, Yunlin An, Kai Luo, Chunxue Liu, Yiwen Ju. 2022. An evolving MVT hydrothermal system: Insights from the Niujiaotang Cd-Zn ore field, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105357.

[41] Yahui Zhang, Jiaxi Zhou*, Shucheng Tan, Shitao Zhang, Yongguo Jiang, Zheng Liu, Tao Wu. 2022. New insights into the petrogenesis of the Bozhushan W-Sn mineralization-associated granites, Yunnan province, SW China: Evidence of microgranitoid enclaves. Ore Geology Reviews, 104906.

[42] Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Yiwen Ju. 2022. A shift from BSR to TSR caused the formation of the Chipu Pb-Zn deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 144,104845.

[43] Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Guotao Sun, Ai Nguyen, Zhongxiang Qin. The metallogeny of the Devonian sediment-hosted sulfide deposits, South China: A case study of the Huodehong deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 143, 104747.

[44] Yunlin An, Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou*, Ai Nguyen, Maoda Lu, Qingtian Meng, Qi An. 2022. Origin of the Devonian carbonate-hosted Banbianjie Ge-Zn deposit, Guizhou Province, South China: Geological, mineralogical and geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104696.

[45] Kai Luo, Alexandre Cugerone, Meifu Zhou, Jiaxi Zhou, Guotao Sun, Jing Xu, Kangjian He, Maoda Lu. 2022. Germanium enrichment in sphalerite with acicular and euhedral textures: an example from the Zhulingou carbonate-hosted Zn(-Ge) deposit, South China. Mineral Deposita, 57(8):1343-1365.

[46] Chenwei Li, Zhijun Li, Min Zeng, Robert J. Stern. 2022. Early Eocene A-type (ferroan) rhyolites in southwestern Tibet: A far-field tectonic effect of the India–Eurasia collision. International Geology Reviews, 2117740.

[47] Qi Miaomiao, Liu Shiyin*, Wu Kunpeng, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Jin Huian, Gao Yongpeng, Yao Xiaojun. 2022. Improving the accuracy of glacial lake volume estimation: A case study in the Poiqu basin, central Himalayas. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127973.

[48] Gao Yongpeng, Liu Shiyin*, Qi Miaomiao, Yao Xiaojun, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Wu Kunpeng, Saifullah Muhammad. 2022. The Evolution of the Glacier Surges in the Tuanjie Peak, the Qilian Mountains. Remote Sensing, 14 (4), 140408852.

[49] Xu Tong, Xie Zhiqiang*, Zhao Fei, Yimin Li, Shouquan Yang, Yangbin Zhang, Siqiao Yin, Shi Chen, Xuan Li, Sidong Zhao, Zhiqun Hou. 2022. Permeability control and flood risk assessment of urban underlying surface: a case study of Runcheng south area, Kunming. Natural Hazards, 2021, 11069-021-05072-2.

[50] Fei Zhao, Chen Chu, Rui Liu, Zhiyan Peng, Qingyun Du, Zhengbao Sun, Zhiqiang Xie, Hongyun Zeng, Jisheng Xia. 2022. Assessing Light Pollution using POI and Luojia1-01 Nighttime Imagery from a Quantitative Perspective at City Scale. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14: 7544-7556.

[51] Mengshi Yang, Ru Wang, Menghua Li, Mingsheng Liao. 2022. A PSI targets characterization approach to interpreting surface displacement signals: A case study of the Shanghai metro tunnels, 280(1), 113150.

[52] 李益敏, 杨一铭, 赵志芳*, 吴博闻. 2022. 基于GIS的西双版纳边境地区防疫视频监控点部署方法[J]. 自然资源遥感, 34(04):194-202.

[53] Haiying Yang, Zhifang Zhao*, Yong Xia, Jiafei Xiao*. 2021. REY enrichment mechanisms in the early Cambrian phosphorite from South China. Sedimentary Geology, 426, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.106041.

[54] Qi Chen, Zhifang Zhao*, Jiaxi Zhou, Min Zeng, Jisheng Xia, Tao Sun, Xin Zhao. 2021. New Insights into the Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit in Southwest China: Indication of Alteration Minerals Detected Using ASTER and WorldView‐3 Data. Remote Sensing, 13:2798, 1-20.

[55] 陈琪,赵志芳*,姜琦刚,夏既胜,孙涛,曾诗卉. 2021. 基于ASTER与Sentinel-2A融合数据的云南普朗铜矿化蚀变信息提取[J],地质与勘探,57(4):728-738.

[56] Zhi-Fang Zhao, Jia-Xi Zhou*, Ying-Xiang Lu*, Qi Chen, Xiao-Min Cao, Xiao-Hu He, Xue-Hao Fu, Shi-Hui Zeng, Wen-Jie Feng. 2021. Mapping alteration minerals in the Pulang porphyry copper ore district, SW China, using ASTER and WorldView-3 data: Implications for exploration targeting. Ore Geology Reviews.134,104171.

[57] 李益敏,刘心知,吴博闻,王东驰,袁静,赵志芳*,2021. 基于遥感技术的不透水面动态变化研究:以瑞丽市为例[J],云南大学学报(自然科学版), 43(4):716-724. DOI:10.7540/j.ynu.20200380.

[58] Zhifang Zhao, Wenchun Wu*, Jisheng Xia, Xuehao Fu, Yixun Fu, Shucheng Tan, Yimin Li. 2021. A safety assessment for the Guanlei Port-Qinsheng Port water corridors on the Lancang-Mekong River. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42:6, 2269-2279.

[59] Guotao Sun, Qingdong Zeng, Jiaxi Zhou, Lingli Zhou, Peiwen Chen. 2021. Genesis of the Xinling vein-type Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, Liaodong Peninsula, China: Evidence from texture, composition and in situ S-Pb isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews, 133, 104120.

[60] Li Chenwei, Zeng Min*, Chen Si, Jin Xiaoyu, Cheng, Wenbin. 2021. Provenance evolution during passive- to active-margin transition unraveled from an accretionary complex from the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone: Insights into Early Mesozoic Meso-Tethys subduction and source-area tectonics. Gondwana Research, 98:191-211.

[61] Min Zeng, Ruisi Zhang, Si Chen, Xinyu Liu, Chenwei Li, Frank R. Ettensohn, Lidong Bie. 2021. Reconstructing Ocean‐Plate Stratigraphy (OPS) to Understand Accretionary Style and Mélange Fabric: Insights from the Bangong‐Nujiang Suture (Tibet, China). Geophysical Research Letters, 48(18), e2021GL094457.

[62] Chenwei Li, Min Zeng, Si Chen, Xiaoyu Jin, Wenbin Cheng. 2021. Provenance evolution during passive- to active-margin transition unraveled from an accretionary complex from the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone: Insights into Early Mesozoic Meso-Tethys subduction and source-area tectonics. Gondwana Research, 98, 191-211.

[63] Tao Sun, Shucheng Tan*, Shenghong Yang, Eero Hanski, Jiaxi Zhou*, Haiting Li, Aiping Zhang, Wanting Li, Yuguo Zhou. 2021. Early Permian subduction-related Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A case of the Halatumiao deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 130, 103974.

[64] Yi Qi, Gao Yuting, Du Hongrong, Chen Junxu*, Yang Liang Emlyn, Zhao Hongling. 2021. Spatio-Temporal Variation of Net Primary Productivity in A Rapidly Expanding Artificial Woodland Area Based on Remote-Sensing Data, Erdkunde, 75(3), 191.

[65] Yang Liang Emlyn*, Chen Junxu*, Geng Jing, Fang Yiping, Yang Weibing, 2021. Social resilience and its scale effects along the historical tea-horse road, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), 045001.

[66] Tan Kun, Zhao Xiaoqing*, Pu Junwei, Li Sinan, Li Yuhao, Miao Peipei, Wang Qian. 2021. Zoning regulation and development model for water and land resources in the Karst Mountainous Region of Southwest China. Land Use Policy, 109, 105683.

[67] Li Sinan, Zhao Xiaoqing*, Pu Junwei, Miao Peipei. 2021. Optimize and control territorial spatial functional areas to improve the ecological stability and total environment in karst areas of Southwest China. Land Use Policy, 100, 104940.

[68] Pu Junwei, Zhao Xiaoqing*, Dong Pinliang, Wang Qian, Yue Qifa. 2021. Extracting Information on Rocky Desertification from Satellite Images: A Comparative Study. Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2497.

[69] Zhao Xiaoqing*, Yue Qifa, Pei Jianchao, Pu Juwei, Huang Pei, Wang Qian. 2021. Ecological Security Pattern Construction in Karst Area Based on Ant Algorithm. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6863.

[70] Zhao Xiaoqing*, Tan Kun, Xie Pengfei, Chen Bing, Pu Junwei. 2021. Multiobjective Land-Use Optimization Allocation in Eucalyptus-Introduced Regions Based on the GMDP–ACO Model. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(2), 05021004.

[71] Zhu Yu, Liu Shiyin*, Yi Ying, Xie, Fuming, Grunwald Richard, Miao, Wenfei, Wu Kunpeng, Qi Miaomiao, Gao Yongpeng, Singh Dharmaveer. 2021. Overview of terrestrial water storage changes over the Indus River Basin based on GRACE/GRACE-FO solutions, Science of the Total Environment, 799, 149366.

[72] Yi Ying, Liu Shiyin*, Zhu Yu, Wu Kunpeng, Xie Fuming, Saifullah Muhammad. 2021. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of snow cover in the central and western Karakoram Mountains based on a refined MODIS product during 2002–2018, Atmospheric Research, 250, 105402.

[73] Gao Yongpeng, Liu Shiyin*, Qi Miaomiao, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Wu Kunpeng, Jiang Zongli. 2021. Characterizing the behaviour of surge-type glaciers in the Geladandong Mountain Region, Inner Tibetan Plateau, from 1986 to 2020, Geomorphology, 389, 107806.

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[76] Hongyun Zeng, Zhiqiang Xie*, Jinqu Zhang, Yunqiang Zhu, Fei Zhao, ShouquanYang, Xiaoqin Zhao,2021. A methodology for producing realistic hill-shading map based on shaded relief map, digital orthophotographic map fusion and IHS transformation, Annals of GIS, 27 (4): 371-382.

[77] Wu Kunpeng, Liu Shiyin, Zhu Yu et al. 2021. Quantification of glacier mass budgets in the Karakoram region of Upper Indus Basin during the early twenty-first century. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 127095.

[78] Fei Zhao, Lu Song, Zhiyan Peng, Jianqin Yang, Guize Luan, Chen Chu, Jieyu Ding, Siwen Feng, Yuhang Jing, Zhiqiang Xie*. 2021. Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and Analysis of Ethnic Minority Development Index. Remote Sensing, 13(11): 2129.

[79] Fei Zhao, Sujin Zhang, Quanda Du, Jieyu Ding, Guize Luan, Zhiqiang Xie*. 2021. Assessment of the Sustainable Development of Rural Minority Settlements Based on Multidimensional Data and Geographical Detector Method: A Case Study in Dehong, China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 78, 101066.

[80] Fei Zhao, Jingzhi Cai, Hongyun Zeng, Zhiqiang Xie, Qingyun Du, Jianfeng Wang, Qiu Hao, Shi Chen, Zhiqun Hou. 2021. Construction of Urban Flooding Prevention System under “One City, One Executor, and One Network” Model: Case Study of Kunming, China. Natural Hazards Review. 22, (3), 05021006.

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[83] 李益敏, 王东驰, 袁静, 刘心知. 2021. 退耕还林背景下泸水市生态环境质量遥感动态变化. 水土保持研究, 28(4): 266-274.

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[93] Kai Luo, Jiaxi Zhou, Zhilong Huang, John Caulfield, Jianxin Zhao, Yuexing Feng, Hegen Ouyang. 2020. New insights into the evolution of MVT hydrothermal system: A case study of the Wusihe Pb-Zn deposit (South China), using quartz in situ trace elements and sulfides in situ S-Pb isotopes. American Mineralogist, 105 (1): 35-51.

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[99] Enmin Zhou, Arinola L. Adegboruwa, Chrisabelle C. Mefferd, Shrikant S. Bhute, Senthil K. Murugapiran, Jeremy A. Dodsworth, Scott C. Thomas, Amanda J. Bengtson, Lan Liu, Wen-Dong Xian, Wen-Jun Li*, Brian P. Hedlund*. 2020. Diverse respiratory capacity among Thermus strains from US Great Basin hot springs. Extremophiles, 24(1): 71-80.

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[109] Wu Kunpeng, Liu, Shiyin, Jiang Zongli, Zhu Yu, Xie Fuming, Gao Yongpeng, Yi Ying, Tahir Adnan Ahmad, Muhammad Saifullah. 2020. Surging Dynamics of Glaciers in the Hunza Valley under an Equilibrium Mass State since 1990. Remote Sensing, 12, 2922.

[110] Wu Kunpeng, Liu Shiyin, Xu Junli, Zhu Yu, Liu Qiao, Jiang Zongli, Wei Junfeng. 2020. Spatiotemporal variability of surface velocities of monsoon temperate glaciers in the Kangri Karpo Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Glaciology, 67(261):186-191.

[111] Wu Kunpeng, Liu Shiyin, Zhu Yu, Liu Qiao, Jiang Zongli. 2020. Dynamics of glacier surface velocity and ice thickness for maritime glaciers in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125527.

[112] Fei Zhao, Jieyu Ding, Sujin Zhang, Guize Luan, Lu Song, Zhiyan Peng, Qingyun Du*, Zhiqiang Xie. 2020. Estimating rural electric power consumption using NPP-VIIRS night-time light, toponym and POI data in ethnic minority areas of China[J]. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2836.

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[114] Yao Fu, Guize Luan, Jingzhi Cai, Yuchen Li, Fei Zhao*. 2020. Construction and application research of ecological evaluation platform based on Cesium. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 21(3): 983-991.

[115] Jisheng Xia, Pinliang Dong, Zhifang Zhao. 2020. Selecting inter-city transportation routes in complex terrains using quantitative methods: A case study from Northern Yunnan, China. Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 32(2): 268-277.

[116] Qi Chen, Zhifang Zhao*, Qigang Jiang*, Jia-Xi Zhou, Yinggui Tian, Shihui Zeng, Jialing Wang. 2019. Detecting subtle alteration information from ASTER data using a multifractal-based method: A case study from Wuliang Mountain, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews.115(103128):1-12.

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[135] Jisheng Xia, Pinliang Dong. 2019. Spatial Characteristics of Physical Environment for Human Settlements in Jinsha River Watershed. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10(1): 544-561.

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[143] 李益敏, 杨蕾, 魏苏杭. 2019. 基于小流域单元的怒江州泥石流易发性评价. 长江流域资源与环境, 28(10):2419-2428.

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[149] Enmin Zhou, Wendong Xian, Chrisabelle C. Mefferd, Scott C. Thomas, Arinola L. Adegboruwa, Nathan Williams, Senthil K. Murugapiran, Jeremy A Dodsworth, Rakesh Ganji, Mengmeng Li, Yiping Ding, Lan Liu, Tanja Woyke, Wenjun Li*, Brian P. Hedlund*. 2018. Thermus sediminis sp. nov., a thiosulfate-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing organism isolated from Little Hot Creek in the Long Valley Caldera, California. Extremophiles, 22: 983-991.

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[151] 李益敏, 管成文, 郭丽琴, 朱军, 段亚苹, 谢亚亚. 2018. 基于生态敏感性分析的江川区土地利用空间格局优化配置. 农业工程学报, 34(20): 267-276.

[152] 李益敏, 段亚苹, 朱军, 李驭豪, 谢亚亚. 2018. 基于GIS和RUSLE的星云湖流域土壤侵蚀空间分布特征. 科学技术与工程, 18(18):34-42.

[153] 李益敏, 谢亚亚, 蒋德明, 段亚苹. 2018. 怒江州斜坡地质灾害孕灾环境因素敏感性研究. 水土保持研究, 25(05):300-305.

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  • [1].谈树成、王超、赵志芳、李益敏. "一种矿产资源开发环境遥感监测辅助信息系统及方法",申请号:CN 201610857526.0, 2021.(已公开)

  • [2].张永勇,翟晓燕,陈俊旭. "一种洪水过程类型相似性挖掘与快速预测方法", 申请号:CN 201910981658.8, 2021.(已公开)


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